performing ohsas 18001 internal audits

In this blog, we have discussed in detail about when and how to perform the OHSAS 18001 internal audits.

why is training and awareness important in terms of ohsas 18001

Check out this blog to know why training important for OHSAS 18001. Dealing with health & safety of employees at work.

environmental management a different perspective

This blog explains you about the different perspective on Environmental Management and the regulatory requirements.


Many companies resist implementing ISO systems. There are a number of common misconceptions that we’ll clear up in this article.

defining ohsas 18001 programs and objectives

In this blog, we have discussed the about setting OHSAS 18001 objectives and few other things to consider based on your requirements.

How to Implement EHS Software: A Step-by-Step Guide

Learn the essential steps for successfully integrating Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) software into your organisation with our comprehensive guide to Implement EHS.

we will help you put safety first

Managing safety and health risks should be a high priority for every organization, even those who operate in a low-risk environment.