starting a project to implement ohsas 18001

Controlling the challenges will help you keep momentum towards the objective of implementing OHSAS 18001 and keep the project on time and within budget.

performing ohsas 18001 internal audits

In this blog, we have discussed in detail about when and how to perform the OHSAS 18001 internal audits.

why is training and awareness important in terms of ohsas 18001

Check out this blog to know why training important for OHSAS 18001. Dealing with health & safety of employees at work.

communication requirements in ohsas 18001

Communication, participation, and consultation are dealt with in OHSAS 18001.Communication is equally important to ensure overall performance.

writing an ohs policy

The actual OH&S Policy for an organization will differ widely depending on the exact nature of the business, some general guidelines

how to use the pdca cycle with ohsas 18001

The PDCA cycle is widely seen as a cornerstone in the ISO family of standards and is likewise a critical element in OHSAS 18001

what are the biggest challenges when implementing ohsas 18001

This blog explains you all the big challenges faced by the organization when implementing OHSAS 18001.

implementing ohsas 18001 in 12 steps

This blog gives you a clear idea on how to implement OHSAS in your organization and OHSAS compliance requirements.

The Role of Health Safety Management in Reducing Workplace Accidents and Injuries

Explore the role of health and safety management in reducing workplace accidents. From identifying risks to developing safety protocols, learn how HSM creates a safe workplace for employees